TfrxAdoQuery: columns are lost after execute

edited 10:05AM in FastReport 4.0

we need to execute ADO Stored procedures. FastReport doens't have that component (yet [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />), but we can use TfrxAdoQuery. SQL code is simple:[/img]
EXEC dbo.StoredProcName @param1 = :param1, @param2 = :param2

It is working. I fill Parameters and after confirming SQL is query executed. I got fields and all is fine. But - after executing report (from Design time) is another refresh called. And - that is trouble - stored parameters are not used. Report designer just send NULL's to all parameters. And if stored procedure needs that data then returns nothing. And when FastReport see it then immediately delete Query columns.

I must go to TfrxAdoQuery.SQL - open editor - and press SAVE/Execute again to bring columns back.

TfrxAdoQuery should use parameters values instead NULL during calling refresh.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:05AM
    where is code located and in what event
    does this only happen when running from ide or at runtime as well?
  • edited 10:05AM
    Designer is running from Delphi, in design time. Parameters are set by hand directly in TfrxAdoQuery component (with test values).

    Sample Stored procedure:
    CREATE PROCEDURE frx_TestProcedure_PRINT (@dbname VARCHAR(256))
    IF @dbname IS NULL
      PRINT 'You must specify Database name...'
    SELECT name, dbid, filename FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname

    In report:

    TfrxAdoQuery.SQL: EXEC frx_TestProcedure_PRINT @dbname = :ProcedureName
  • ArroriumtutArroriumtut Saudi Arabia
    edited 10:05AM
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