Parameters from a query in Delphi

I am a beginner in fastReport this is my problem:
In delphi I have a query with two parameters. I have a form with a TfrxReport component. This form uses the unit where I placed the two parameters into two variables. My goal is to print in the report header the two parameters or variables; I use Onbeforeprint, but an error occurs : variables not known.

Can you help me, please?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:27AM
    read the progammers manual on working with a list of variables in the report and how to pass values to them.
    best to do it after loading report and before calling showreport or preparereport.
    frxreport1.variables := delphi var value;

    in the report create your variables if you wan't (optional the above line will create the variable if it does not exists or pass the value if it does.
    in the report,
    in the text object use [myvarname]
    read the user manual on displaying variables in a memo.
  • edited 9:27AM
    Thank you very much. It's works.

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