TfrxPictureView NOT transparent??
I put TfrxPictureView Objects by code on my report. Problem is that these Objects does not appear transparent.
Here is some code:
The following method adds a metafile to the report.
Why does the Object not appear transparent on the report? I have always a opaque rectangle The metafile itself is transparent.
Just the following method changes the apperance of TfrxPictureViews to transparent
What can I do ro what do I wrong to get my objects transparent right away?
Thanks for help
Here is some code:
    Report.StartNewReport;  //Just load the basic report from file
    Report.AddPictureObject(VTPainter.Metafile, 0);
The following method adds a metafile to the report.
function TReportInterface.AddPictureObject(const Metafile: TMetafile; UniqueIndex: Integer):string;
  PicView: TfrxPictureView;
  Memo: TfrxMemoView;
  Page: TfrxPage;
  PicView := TfrxPictureView.Create(FReport.Pages[1]);
  PicView.Name := 'PictureTubesheet_' + IntToStr(UniqueIndex);
  PicView.SetBounds(0, 0, Metafile.Width, Metafile.Height);
  PicView.AutoSize := True;
  PicView.Align := baCenter;
  PicView.Center := True;
  PicView.Color := clNone;
  PicView.BrushStyle := bsSolid;  //bsClear also does not take effect
  PicView.Tag := UniqueIndex;
  PicView.Cursor := crCross;
  PicView.Frame.Style := fsSolid;
  PicView.Frame.Color := clNone;
  PicView.Frame.Typ := [];
  Result := PicView.Name;
Why does the Object not appear transparent on the report? I have always a opaque rectangle The metafile itself is transparent.
Just the following method changes the apperance of TfrxPictureViews to transparent
procedure TReportInterface.SetTransparentPictureBackground(ShowPreparedReport: Boolean = False);
  Iterator: TPictureObjectIterator;
  Obj: TfrxPictureView;
  Iterator := TPictureObjectIterator.Create(FReport.PreviewPages.Page[0].AllObjects);
    while Iterator.MoveNext do
      Iterator.Current.Color := clNone;
    if ShowPreparedReport then
What can I do ro what do I wrong to get my objects transparent right away?
Thanks for help