Localisation and RTF Export
Dear developer team!
I'm evaluating FastReport 4 and my first impressions are very good. However, there are few questions:
- can I localize PreviewWindow dinamically? My application works in two languages and all my strings are placed extern in a file.
- PDF looks as in PreviewWindow, but I don't understand why some first lines of MasterData are on some pages moved to left...
- RTF is not good, pages are messed. Can I send you examples?
Miro M.
I'm evaluating FastReport 4 and my first impressions are very good. However, there are few questions:
- can I localize PreviewWindow dinamically? My application works in two languages and all my strings are placed extern in a file.
- PDF looks as in PreviewWindow, but I don't understand why some first lines of MasterData are on some pages moved to left...
- RTF is not good, pages are messed. Can I send you examples?
Miro M.
frxResources.LoadFromFile(GetAppPath + m.Caption + '.xml');
frxResources.LoadFromFile(GetAppPath + LangName + '.xml');
You should send *.fp3 file (save from preview) and report results with your comments to support@fast-report.com.