TeeChart Example?

edited November 2007 in FastReport 4.0

I have filled a db table with some demo data:

<!--fonto:Lucida Console--><span style="font-family:Lucida Console"><!--/fonto-->CARS PHONES MONITORS LAMPS
44 852 834 973
843 962 600 351
958 650 998 541

Now I would like to get a chart in FastReport with those 3 series.
I don't get it, folks... how can I do this using the TfrxChart wrapper?
I would like to do a "radar series" and I am using TeeChart PRO 8, but this
is probably unimportant..

Do I need to add series by script?

Any hint is very welcome, thanks a lot


  • edited 6:10AM
    Ok, I have found out the following:

    * FastReport expects one db-rowset per teechart-series
    * for radar series FastReport expects a "LABEL / ANGLE / VALUE" rowformat

    * I need one query per series
    * if I want to use radar series, I need to change the sql from
    SELECT *
      FROM teechartdata
     WHERE teechartdata_id = 10

    SELECT   *
        FROM (SELECT 'Cars' label, 0 angle, cars VALUE
                FROM teechartdata
               WHERE teechartdata_id = 10
              SELECT 'Phones' label, 72 angle, phones VALUE
                FROM teechartdata
               WHERE teechartdata_id = 10
              SELECT 'Tables' label, 144 angle, TABLES VALUE
                FROM teechartdata
               WHERE teechartdata_id = 10
              SELECT 'Monitors' label, 216 angle, monitors VALUE
                FROM teechartdata
               WHERE teechartdata_id = 10
              SELECT 'Lamps' label, 288 angle, lamps VALUE
                FROM teechartdata
               WHERE teechartdata_id = 10)
    ORDER BY angle

    ... which is of course very bad SQL-coding (too complicated, too many queries).

    How can I simplify this? Read the data from the simple "SELECT *" query and add the series-data
    by script?

    Please help!

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:10AM
    create the series in the chart editor
    then in the onbeforeprintmethod of the chart object.
    use the add method to add values to each series.
    tip you can connect the query to a hiddendataband set to 1 record
    then in the obpevent of the chart object write code to iterate through the dataset and add the values to the series'.
    for i = 0 to masterdata1.dataset.recordcount-1 do
    code to add values to series[0];
    code to add values to series[1];
    code to add values to series[2];
    see the usermanual on working with charts.
  • edited 6:10AM
    Excellent, thanks for pointing the directions, Gord!

    works fine, here's my scripting code (in case somebody's interested... :-) ):
    procedure BuildRadarSeries(series: TfrxSeriesItem);
      j: integer;
      nAngle: integer;                                     
      strSep: string;
      qry: TfrxODACQuery;
      strFieldName: string;                                               
      strSep := '';
      qry := TfrxODACQuery(invisibleBand.Dataset);                               
      if qry.FieldsCount > 0 then
        nAngle := 360 div qry.FieldsCount
        nAngle := 0;                                                 
      for j := 0 to qry.FieldsCount -1 do
        strFieldName := qry.Fields[j].FieldName;
        { Source1: "LABEL"}                                                           
        series.Source1 := series.Source1 + strSep + strFieldName;                                                                                                                                                           
        { Source2: "ANGLE"}                                                           
        series.Source2 := series.Source2 + strSep + IntToStr(j * nAngle);
        { Source3: "VALUE"}                                                           
        series.Source3 := series.Source3 + strSep + IntToStr(qry.Value[strFieldName]);                                                                                                                                                           
        strSep := ';';                                        
    procedure Chart1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      i: integer;                                
      i := 0;                             
      with invisibleBand.Dataset do
        while not eof do

    Cheers, Daniel

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