FastReport Function Documents

edited October 2007 in FastReport 4.0
Have any documents to explain how to use fastreport function?
Please provide with some example.
i.e. IIF(A>5,A,C) IF A>5 return A Else C

How to use function -->FORMAT()
How to use function -->FORMATFLOAT()


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 1:40AM
    in design mode clck on the function tab in the datapane on the right side
    select any function and the requirements will show up in the explanation window at the bottom of the pane.
    if you are trying to build expressions in memos go to editmode and select the expression builder and and every thing will show up in the editor.
    if on the code page use the datapane and just dblclick on desired object and code will be added for you.

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