Change Bin during Runtime

dschuchdschuch Dresden,Germany
edited 9:59PM in FastReport 3.0
Hi People,

I want to change the Printer Bin during runtime (in code). But till now i failed. Has anybody a solution for this problem?

Is this problem solved in V4?

Thnx for Help >


  • edited 9:59PM
    sorry ... habe nur kurz Zeit:

    sollte klappen mit:

        rep := (Report as TfrxReport);
          for z := 1 to rep.PreviewPages.Count do begin
            rep.PreviewPages.Page[z-1].bin := bin;
            rep.PreviewPages.Page[z-1].BinOtherPages := bin;

    bins auslesen mit
        Needed       : Integer;
        ADeviceMode  : THandle;
        APort        : array[0..255] of char;
        BinNameArray : PChar;
        BinID        : Word;
        BinName      : array[0..24] of Char;
           Printer.PrinterIndex := Index1;
           Printer.GetPrinter(ADevice, ADriver, APort, ADeviceMode);
           Needed := DeviceCapabilities(ADevice, APort, dc_binnames, nil, nil);
           GetMem(BinNameArray, cchBinName * Needed);
           GetMem(BinIDArray, 2 * Needed);
           FillChar(BinNameArray[0], cchBinName * Needed, 0);
           FillChar(BinIDArray[0], 2 * Needed, 0);
             DeviceCapabilities(ADevice, APort, dc_binnames, BinNameArray, nil);
             DeviceCapabilities(ADevice, APort, dc_bins, BinIDArray, nil);
             for Index2 := 1 to Needed do
                move(BinNameArray[cchBinName * (Index2 - 1)], BinName[0], cchBinName);
                move(BinIDArray[2 * (Index2 - 1)], BinID, 2);
             FreeMem(BinIDArray, 2 * Needed);
             FreeMem(BinNameArray, cchBinName * Needed);

    Gruss Stefan

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