barcode with upper/lowercase characters

edited June 2007 in FastReport 4.0

I am looking for a barcode type that allows printing out character data that should be case sensitive.

Can you please help me and tell me which barcode format supported by FastReport can handle
casesensitive characters?
I think code128 supports this, but not the code128A, code128B, code128C variants.

Do I need to get the psoft barcode library which seems to support code128 codepages etc?
Or is there a way in the "standard" fastreport distribution?

Any hint is very welcome, thanks!



  • edited 4:08PM
    nevermind, I've purchased the psoft library now.

    The Fastreport wrapper runs fine, but there seems to be no support at all from psoft for the library.
    And I have troubles cause most of the ASCII 128 - ASCII 255 characters throw exceptions
    (for example: PDF417 supports german umlauts, but the psoft implementation does not, the exceptions
    are of course also visible in the Fastreport editor).

    To reproduce:

    * Put a PDF417 Code on a report
    * enter "?¤" as Text

    => application crashes!

    as it's no fast-report issue directly, we can close this thread... until I find solution...

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