Export to HTML incl style info
How can I export the style class names correctly when using HTML?
To test, I create a report and add a new style. I apply the new style to a frxMemoView and preview the report. I then export to HTML and include styles (in the dialog). I open the exported document and view the source. The styles defined in the CSS are S0..S4. There is no reference to the style I applied to my report. If a style is used, I would have thought it should be included in the CSS.
I am using v3.23.1
How can I export the style class names correctly when using HTML?
To test, I create a report and add a new style. I apply the new style to a frxMemoView and preview the report. I then export to HTML and include styles (in the dialog). I open the exported document and view the source. The styles defined in the CSS are S0..S4. There is no reference to the style I applied to my report. If a style is used, I would have thought it should be included in the CSS.
I am using v3.23.1