Suppress Blank Lines in Name/Address Fields??

In Free Report you could supress empty fields int in a name / address block if the field was blank... We placed all name and address fields in a Simple Text block and choose Word Wrap. I can not see how to do this in Fast Report.

For example, lets say you want to merge in address2 if there is data in the field:

city,state zip

However, if address2 is blank we certainly do not want the blank line.... instead the name and address block should print as follows:

John Smith
1 Park Place
Some City

NOT like this!

John Smith
1 Park Place

Some City

The only way we have found to do this in FastReport VCL is by creting multiple variables with IF experssions to test for blank fields and substitute the next field, but it is REALLY cumbersome and I have to think there must be a better way!

This is the second time I have asked.... I have looked though all manuals and documentation such as there is.... but no luck! Can someone PLEASE help.

Thanks!! Elysa

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