DesignReportInPanel method is great but...

The ability to show the designer inside a panel (using TfrxReport.DesignReportInPanel method) is really good news and something I would lik to use.

But I am having some problems:

1. When designing and I close eg. the ReportTree (using the little upperright X) I am not able to show it again ;)

2. When designing and I close the DataTree (again using the little upperright X) I can use designer.DataTree.Visible to toggle visibility - but it the dockpanel is empty (when the DataTree is being hidden, it will not be shown wthen I set designer.DataTree.Visible to true again ;)

Any help is appreciated.


  • edited 9:44AM
    Okay, problem 2 solved ;)

    The size (width) of the Tree Data form is for some reason set to 0, and is therefore not visible.

    If I just set the width to e.g. 150 when setting DataTree.Visible to true everything work fine.
  • edited 9:44AM
    Okay, problem 1 solved

    It seems that ReportTree and Inspector properties has been added to the Designer by Alexander Tzyganenko


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