source code bug, please fix it

ibrahim bulutibrahim bulut turkey
edited 6:50PM in FastReport 3.0
i have found a bug in fr source code

when i try to change group header band's condition property in runtime,
i get error message

procedure TForm1.GroupSet(FieldName : String);
Var BB : TfrMemoView;
if (BB <> Nil) Then BB.Prop:='[Query1."' + FieldName + '"]';

procedure TfrBandView.SetPropValue(Index: String; Value: Variant);
else if Index = 'CONDITION' then
GroupCondition := Value;
if DocMode = dmPrinting then
Parent.GroupCondition := Value

it must be
GroupCondition := Value;
if (DocMode = dmPrinting) and (Parent <> Nil) Then Parent.GroupCondition:=Value

please change it original source code

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