AddProperty ParentChart error
I've tried to modify fs_ichartrtti.pas to add ParentChart property to a TCustomSeries:
None of this solutions works: when i compile a fsScript containing Series1.ParentChart it gives the error:
Incompatible types: 'Class TCustomAxisPanel', 'Class:TChart'
How should I do?
Thank you,
Geppo Darkson.
I've tried to modify fs_ichartrtti.pas to add ParentChart property to a TCustomSeries:
constructor TFunctions.Create(AScript: TfsScript);
 inherited Create(AScript);
 with AScript do
  With AddClass(TCustomSeries, 'TChartSeries') Do
// even this will not work   AddProperty('ParentChart','TChart',GetProp,SetProp);
function TFunctions.GetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String): Variant;
  Result := 0;
  if PropName = 'PARENTCHART'
  then Result := Integer(TCustomSeries(Instance).ParentChart);
{ property handler }
procedure TFunctions.SetProp(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const PropName: String; Value: Variant);
  if PropName = 'PARENTCHART'
  then TChartSeries(Instance).ParentChart:=TChart(Integer(Value));
// Â Â then TChartSeries(Instance).ParentChart:=TCustomAxisPanel(Integer(Value));
// Â Â then TCustomSeries(Instance).ParentChart:=TCustomChart(Integer(Value));
None of this solutions works: when i compile a fsScript containing Series1.ParentChart it gives the error:
Incompatible types: 'Class TCustomAxisPanel', 'Class:TChart'
How should I do?
Thank you,
Geppo Darkson.