Help! How can I split table with 3 masterdata

I have a long table it does not fit to width of page so I split it 3 pieces and use 3 groupheader and 3 masterdata like below.

Page1 group is according to the first city
GroupHeader1 (first city name - Table1)
Masterdata1 (Table1)(First piece of the Table1)
GroupHeader2(first city name - Tablo1)
Masterdata2 (Table1)(Second piece of the Table1)
GroupHeader3(first city name - Tablo1)
Masterdata3 (Table1)(Third piece of the Table1)
Page2 group is according to the second city
GroupHeader1 (secondcity name - Table1)
Masterdata1 (Table1)(First piece of the Table1)
GroupHeader2(second city name - Tablo1)
Masterdata2 (Table1)(Second piece of the Table1)
GroupHeader3(secondcity name - Tablo1)
Masterdata3 (Table1)(Third piece of the Table1)
Above is the desired report but not like this. The result is below;

Page1 group is according to the first city
GroupHeader1 (first city name - Table1)
Masterdata1 (Table1)(First piece of the Table1)
Page2 group is according to the second city
GroupHeader1 (first city name - Table1)
Masterdata1 (Table1)(First piece of the Table1)
Page14 group is according to the first city
GroupHeader2(first city name - Tablo1)
Masterdata2 (Table1)(Second piece of the Table1)
Page27 group is according to the first city
GroupHeader3(first city name - Tablo1)
Masterdata3 (Table1)(Third piece of the Table1)

But I want to print 3 masterdata on the same page like above design because they are the same table data.

Help me please.
Thank you very much for your effort...


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:02AM
    probably due to the fact you have posted in 3 different forums
    no one one knows which one to answer in
    please post in correct forum
    vcl forum is for 2.5, studio is for frstudio, fr3 forum is for fr3
    and let us know which version number, and level of the product you are using.
    ie fr3.24 pro, fr3.24 basic or what ever

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