Print Image (EPS Format)
Hi, guys
Does fast report support printing image from eps format ?
Does fast report can print like the newspaper layout ?
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
some text from database some text from data
base some text from database some text from
and can I print like above format in two columns ?
Does fast report support printing image from eps format ?
Does fast report can print like the newspaper layout ?
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
' some text from database
some text from database some text from data
base some text from database some text from
and can I print like above format in two columns ?
First: You can assign an eps format image to the TFRPictureView at runtime by loading an eps image with the aim of any graphics library that supports it. (for ex: GraphicEx) In this way any image format is supported.
Second: if You want the image to be surrounded by the text from the database I say it is not possible, but can be solved
Third: Columnar printing is supported.
But keep in mind, FR is not a DTP software, its primary goal is to fetch data from many sources and render them based on a designed format.
I load the image from the database too, Can you tell me how to print like that layout ?
What is DTP software ?
I usually store images outside the database because of the easier handling. But in this case I would place an image component on the FR design page where You want it to be rendered and leave it empty. In the FR component's OBP event handler (on application level) write a code that reads the stored image from the database as BLOB. You have to declare a local variable with an appropriate image type and call its LoadFromStream method with the previously saved BLOB. As i said the GraphicEx library can read this format ( This library doesn't need installation, You only have to include its path in the library path in the IDE. You have to include the GraphicEx.pas unit in the USES clause and You can use all the graphics class declared in it.
The class appropriate for You is TEPSGraphic(TTIFFGraphic).
(DTP is for DeskTop Publishing. )
Now I can read EPS Image format, but how can I print text that surrounded the image ? Do you have solutions ?