printing problem to an IP network printer


I have the following problem. When I print to a network (with IP via Print
server)printer (hp LaserJet 1300 PS) from my application , the pages that
are print are not right. Instead of my reporting data, it contains
characters & numbers unknown to me. It is like, the driver of the printer
send radom characters. The code that I use is the following

FrmPreview := TFrmPreview.Create(Application);
frPrint1.Preview := FrmPreview.frPreview1;

When I save the report from my application and I open from another
application using the following code

PrevFrm := TFrmPreview.Create(Application);
FrReport1.Preview := PrevFrm.frPreview1;
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
PrevFrm.Visible := True;

I do not have the problem. The report is OK.
Have anyone any idea why is that happens ?

Thanks in advance

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