I'm user of version 3 but I want to upgrade for version 4, my problem is.
I will have to rewrite or adapt my reports or instaling the version 4 I simply compile my code without problem.
I have to do any kind of change in my fr3 reports?
I will have to rewrite or adapt my reports or instaling the version 4 I simply compile my code without problem.
I have to do any kind of change in my fr3 reports?
- v4 uses the same file format, .fr3 and can open v3 files without any problems.
Most of new report files also can be opened by v3, but not all.
- v4 can read v3 .fp3 files.
- New kind of page, "Data" page is introduced in v4. This page contains all
internal datasets of your report. When opening old v3 files, v4 automatically
adds the "Data" page and moves all datasets on it.
- Since all v4 reports contain a "Data" page, you should check your Delphi
code where you access a report page by index. The "Data" page is always the
first one. So code like Page := frxReport1.Pages[0] will return a data page.
You should correct that code (either use [1] or access a page by its name).
- Check your reports that contain the Cross-tab object!
a) In v4, this object draws cross-tab elements in design-time
and is bigger than in v3. So you have to correct bands that contain
such object.
b ) New behavior introduced in v4 - table can have corner, title, cell headers.
All these properties are on by default. You may turn off corner and title
(ShowCorner, ShowTitle properties) if not needed, and fill in the cell
headers elements.
c) In v4, table has several cell elements. Each cell element has its own
font/color/frame/... settings. In v3 you were able to setup only one cell
element. You should set the fonts and colors for each new element, if needed.