document differences between major FR versions
Hi, I've been thinking most of my problems with FR3 are moving over from FR2. Not too suprising I guess
It would be sweet if there was some documentation on the major changes between the two. That way people wouldn't have to find stuff out the long hard way.
For example the new stucture of band and databands. Adding properties. How in script (onBeforePrint) you now refeer to datafields in a band (just putting in "if [completed] = 'yes' then" doesn't work no more).
It would be sweet if there was some documentation on the major changes between the two. That way people wouldn't have to find stuff out the long hard way.
For example the new stucture of band and databands. Adding properties. How in script (onBeforePrint) you now refeer to datafields in a band (just putting in "if [completed] = 'yes' then" doesn't work no more).
usermanual, programmers manual, developers manual.
there just is not a specific chapter on conversion.
"if [completed] = 'yes' then"
the reason it no longer works, [] not required in script if varariables are created in script. [] only used inside memos as expression delimeter ,only 1 pair per expression
watch where variables are created and initialized
vars created in an objects event are only for the event and not global to report
to make them global create at begining of code page before any procedure and they must be typed. basic initialization in empty begin end block of code page
if "completed" was created in this manner as a boolean
"if completed then dosomething" would be valid.
when vars are in the categorized list the get('varname')must be used to retrieve values.
see user manual on variables
datafield values in code use <> not [] to retrieve values.
in some cases code written in obp event of bands or objects may need to be moved to oap event for the object.
last if your report had data fields like 'table1."fieldname" 'make sure the username of the frdbdataset you connect has a user name of table1