Canceling already started but not yet shown report
First, let's describe the problem:
I have a report dialog form where I call for the report.
Database component's in the report are:
- ADODatabase
- ADOQuery //executes stored procedure
On the click event of the "Print" button I call for so called "busy" form
which is displayed until the report has been shown on the screen.
Report dialog form code:
On that busy form I have a button "Cancel report".
Busy form code:
In the unit frxDBSet I have added this:
frxDBDataSet code:
What happens is this:
If the stored procedure has any messages (through the query analizer) in the result the busy form will never endingly stayed on the screen and the report will never be shown.
If the messages in the stored procedure (for example PRINT 'some value' or ("1 row(s) affected") are commented then the report will be generated successfully.
Does anyone have any suggestion how I can keep messages and get report? Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry if my English isn't very good and for the long post.
I have a report dialog form where I call for the report.
Database component's in the report are:
- ADODatabase
- ADOQuery //executes stored procedure
On the click event of the "Print" button I call for so called "busy" form
which is displayed until the report has been shown on the screen.
Report dialog form code:
procedure TfrmReportFormDlg.pbPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
var qMaster : TfrxADOQuery;
 qMaster := Report.FindObject('qMaster') as TfrxADOQuery;
 TADOQUery(qMaster.DataSet).ExecuteOptions := [eoAsyncExecute];
 Report.OnProgress := rep1Progress;
  if dmSWDatabase.report_terminate = False then
procedure TfrmReportFormDlg.rep1Progress(Sender: TfrxReport;
 ProgressType: TfrxProgressType; Progress: Integer);
Sender.Terminated := dmSWDatabase.report_terminate;
On that busy form I have a button "Cancel report".
Busy form code:
procedure TfrmBusy.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
dmDatabase.report_terminate := True; //global variable
procedure TfrmBusy.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
dmSWDatabase.report_terminate := False;
In the unit frxDBSet I have added this:
frxDBDataSet code:
procedure TfrxDBDataSet.Open;
 if FInitialized then
 FInitialized := True;
// my inserted code
 if FDS is TADOQuery then begin
    while (TADOQuery(FDS).RecordsetState = [stConnecting] )
     or (TADOQuery(FDS).RecordsetState = [stExecuting] )
    do begin
     Report.Terminated := dmSWDatabase.report_terminate;
      if Report.Terminated then begin
    end;   Â
// end of my inserted code
 if (RangeBegin = rbCurrent) or (RangeEnd = reCurrent) then
  FBookmark := FDS.GetBookmark else
  FBookmark := nil;
procedure TfrxDBDataSet.First;
 if not FInitialized then
 if RangeBegin = rbFirst then
  FDS.First;  // this is the line after which the execution of the stored procedure is gone
 FEof := False;
 inherited First;
What happens is this:
If the stored procedure has any messages (through the query analizer) in the result the busy form will never endingly stayed on the screen and the report will never be shown.
If the messages in the stored procedure (for example PRINT 'some value' or ("1 row(s) affected") are commented then the report will be generated successfully.
Does anyone have any suggestion how I can keep messages and get report? Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry if my English isn't very good and for the long post.