Using charts

Hi, I have created a line graph with data from a ado dataset in delphi

It works ok ish

but i have 3 questions

firstly, it uses the largest value from my dataset as the top value in the Y axis, how can i dynamically assign a Top Y axis value.

second, in the x axis, the x values are dates, i have set the datetime property to true but for some reason the dates are incorrect
for example

29/07/2006 31/07/2006 30/07/2006 01/08/2006....., as you can see the 31 and 30 are wrong way round

lastly, i am not sure if anyone can help here cos its more sql logic based.

my graph displays oil levels on the Y axis with the values in leasured litres (thats why i wanted to specify the top Y value as the total tank capacity)

if for example my readings are 1250, 1250, 1250, 1000, 500 and my tank capacity is now 950 after being changed from 2000, the graph displays incorrect values because the measured level is higher than the capacity.

I know i cant chage this but is there a logical way of determining if the capacity is less then the measured level.

I used this condition:

[IIF(<frxgraph."TankSize"><<frxgraph."TankLevel">,'Tank Dimensions may have changed sinze readings were taken',<frxgraph."TankSize">)]

but of corse because the final Y value was less the statement fails to work as desired.

Can i set a flag to say if the condition is broken at least once, the message will bisplayed regardless of the subsequent results.

I hope someone understands my rambling



  • edited August 2006
    God this forum is so quiet i can almost see the tumbleweed rolling around.... ;)

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