How to provide picture in TfrxUserDataSet ?
I want to provide an image (data format not yet defined, TBitMap preferred) by a TfrxUserDataSet. How does the function
procedure OnGetValue(const VarName: String; var Value: Variant);
have to look like ?
"Value" does not accept an assignment of a TBitMap, because a TBitMap is a class object. I assume the image must be encoded as an array of bytes. - correct ?
How to encode my image ?
Got a bit further:
I put any compilable code in OnGetValue with a breakpoint for the case of VarName='Img' and placed some TfrxPictureViews in my report referring 'Img' and the appropriate DataSet. The breakpoint is never hit, and the PictureViews appear empty.
I copied the options of the PictureView of the sample Report 'Memo and Pictures' (found in FastReport 3.0 Demo, Basic reports) except DataSet and DataField -> no change. How can I make FastReport even try to read my image ?
procedure OnGetValue(const VarName: String; var Value: Variant);
have to look like ?
"Value" does not accept an assignment of a TBitMap, because a TBitMap is a class object. I assume the image must be encoded as an array of bytes. - correct ?
How to encode my image ?
Got a bit further:
I put any compilable code in OnGetValue with a breakpoint for the case of VarName='Img' and placed some TfrxPictureViews in my report referring 'Img' and the appropriate DataSet. The breakpoint is never hit, and the PictureViews appear empty.
I copied the options of the PictureView of the sample Report 'Memo and Pictures' (found in FastReport 3.0 Demo, Basic reports) except DataSet and DataField -> no change. How can I make FastReport even try to read my image ?