3. Run project_fastreport_Res.bat to create the project.res file.
4. In your application add the following compiler directive to the Main unit in your project, immediately after the form directive (below the implementation key word).
{$R *.DFM}
{$R AboutDelphi.RES}
5. Declare a variable in procedure, where is examlpe frxReport1.LoadFromFile('AEGON_A02.fr3'):
var rStream : TResourceStream;
6. Replace frxReport1.LoadFromFile('AEGON_A02.fr3') and other lines to the following:
Read this: http://delphi.about.com/od/objectpascalide/l/aa021301a.htm
1. Create project_fastreport.rc file:
AEGON_A02 TXT "c:\Delphi_KGFB2006\Melleklet\AEGON_A02.fr3"
AEGON_A06 TXT "c:\Delphi_KGFB2006\Melleklet\AEGON_A06.fr3"
AEGON_Banki TXT "c:\Delphi_KGFB2006\Melleklet\AEGON_Banki.fr3"
2. Create project_fastreport_Res.bat file
BRCC32 project_fastreport.rc
3. Run project_fastreport_Res.bat to create the project.res file.
4. In your application add the following compiler directive to the Main unit in your project, immediately after the form directive (below the implementation key word).
{$R *.DFM}
{$R AboutDelphi.RES}
5. Declare a variable in procedure, where is examlpe frxReport1.LoadFromFile('AEGON_A02.fr3'):
var rStream : TResourceStream;
6. Replace frxReport1.LoadFromFile('AEGON_A02.fr3') and other lines to the following:
rStream:=TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, 'AEGON_A02', 'TXT');
7. Repeat 5. and 6. while all frxReport1.LoadFromFile changed.
8. If you modify any fr3 FastReport file, then run project_fastreport_Res.bat, then compile the project to see the changes.
I don't speak English, but I hope, this reply is usefull.