Chart BottomAxis values

As a novice user of FastReports I made some line Charts. The Chart displays the distribution of laboratory data. On the X-axis (bottomAxis) are the values of a test ranging form 4,2 to 14,7, on the Y-axis (LeftAxis) are the frequency.
With the Chart BottomAxis setting on Automatic (AutomaticMaximum and AutomaticMinimum) the values on the X-axis are not logically distributed. I expected to see values ordered like 4--6--8 up to 16 etc. or 0----5
FR displays values like 4.2-4.3....5.5,3.5.7..6.op to 14,7. The distribution is OK just the ordering of the X-aaxis vlues is strange (to me)
I have no idea how and where to enter the bottomAxis interval data. In the FR user manual I have not found any details of all the possibilities of the Charts and all its options. Did I miss part of the manuals?

I hope you can help me ;)

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