FrxReport component crashes on IDE

johnnixjohnnix Serrai, Greece
edited 9:12AM in FastReport 3.0

I am a new user and just wanted to inform you that I created a ticket about a major problem I am facing...

I am sorry for any inconvenience...


  • johnnixjohnnix Serrai, Greece
    edited 9:12AM
    Hello again,

    I try to recompile FR basic edition following the instructions in install.txt but when I reach - FastReport 3\Lib\frx*.dpk I get an error in the compiler "File not found frxDCtrl.dcu"..... Any ideas would be most appreciated...

    Thank you again
  • edited 9:12AM
    In Basic version expelled these components:
    dialogue forms designer(frxDCtrl.dcu), internal script engine, allowing to operate logic of construction of the report, supporting 4 languages (PascalScript, C ++ Script, JSCript, BasicScript), end user report designer.

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