Lines into Rich1
I have this code:
void __fastcall TForm1::frxReport1BeforePrint(TfrxReportComponent *Sender)
TMemoryStream* lines = new TMemoryStream();
this->RichEdit1->Lines->SaveToStream(lines); // RichEdit is Standart Component
lines->Position = 0;
Rich1->Lines->Add->LoadFromStream(lines); //error: Undefined Symbol 'Rich1'
Why it is does not work?
I tried also this:
frxRichObject1 ->Lines-> LoadFromStream(lines);
I tried this:
frxReport1->Page1->Rich1->Lines = Form1->RichEdit1->Lines; //error: Page1 is not from frxReport1
and still problem.
Please help.
I have this code:
void __fastcall TForm1::frxReport1BeforePrint(TfrxReportComponent *Sender)
TMemoryStream* lines = new TMemoryStream();
this->RichEdit1->Lines->SaveToStream(lines); // RichEdit is Standart Component
lines->Position = 0;
Rich1->Lines->Add->LoadFromStream(lines); //error: Undefined Symbol 'Rich1'
Why it is does not work?
I tried also this:
frxRichObject1 ->Lines-> LoadFromStream(lines);
I tried this:
frxReport1->Page1->Rich1->Lines = Form1->RichEdit1->Lines; //error: Page1 is not from frxReport1
and still problem.
Please help.