DataFields in PageTitle ?
i need help with the following problem... I just downloaded the trial of FR 3.0 and am trying do create an invoice...
I already have an active DataSet, so I can create the Products, Price etc in a Master-Band... What I need is to create the Adress fo the Customer and Invoice-no. in then Title-Band... How do I do this ?
Many thanks for any help... I just started learning...
i need help with the following problem... I just downloaded the trial of FR 3.0 and am trying do create an invoice...
I already have an active DataSet, so I can create the Products, Price etc in a Master-Band... What I need is to create the Adress fo the Customer and Invoice-no. in then Title-Band... How do I do this ?
Many thanks for any help... I just started learning...
Its very easy to just set the dataset-Fields on the Title-Band... thats all...
Try & error :-)