When I save a FR-report it gets the extension *.fr3. I cannot change the extension of the Save Dialog. Is there some way to change the default extension?
When I save a FR-report it gets the extension *.fr3. I cannot change the extension of the Save Dialog. Is there some way to change the default extension?
Seen this and thought it maybe some use to you.
    dlgSaveRpt = new TSaveDialog(curOwner);
    dlgSaveRpt->DefaultExt = "acc";
    dlgSaveRpt->Filter = "Accounts Document"(*.acc)|*.acc";
    dlgOpenReport = new TOpenDialog(curOwner);
    dlgOpenReport->DefaultExt = "acc";
    dlgOpenReport->Filter = "Accounts Document (*.acc)|*.acc";
Seen this and thought it maybe some use to you.