What is the correct mask?

edited 10:21PM in FastReport 3.0

I'd like to user the FormatFloat function, but I don't know how can I mask the float.
I found in the manual how can I mask a field:


[expression #tag]

Note that space between the expression and the "#" sign is obligatory! The tag itself might look as follows:

#nFormattingLine� the numerical format
#dFormattingLine� date/time format
#bFalse,True� boolean format

"FormattingLine" in every case is an argument for the function, with the help of which formatting is accomplished. Thus, for numerical formatting, such function would be the Delphi�s Format function, for date/time it is the FormatDateTime function. One can get the possible lines� values from the Delphi help system. Below are several values used in FastReport:

for the numerical formatting:
%g � a number with the minimal signs number after decimal point
%2.2f � a number with the fixed number of signs after decimal point
%2.2n � a number with bits delimiter
%2.2m � a monetary format, accepted in the Windows OS, depending on the regional settings in the control panel.

This masking technologie is working, but not in formatfloat function.

Memo1.Memo.Text := formatfloat('#n%2.2f', <frdbdsDataSet1."FIELDNAME">)
returns the following (the value of FIELDNAME is: 10 000):
"10000n%2" instead of "10000.00"

what is the correct way?



  • mvemve
    edited 10:21PM
    mve wrote:
    what is the correct way?
    Memo1.Memo.Text := formatfloat('%.2n', <frdbdsDataSet1."FIELDNAME">)


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