Groups working invible?
why when I set GroupHeader.visible to false it stell working?
Code of my Print button:
whell when the user set to not view the ghReferencia
the group really desapear but stell working
If I could send a attachment with a prepared report showing the problem
you will see the group "Unidade" broken (separated of itself) on page 2 for no reason.
why when I set GroupHeader.visible to false it stell working?
Code of my Print button:
 //get the object into a variable to manipulate
 cp := frxReport1.FindObject('GroupHeaderUNIDADE');
 ghUnidade := (cp as TfrxGroupHeader);
 cp := frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooterUNIDADE');
 gfUnidade := (cp as TfrxGroupFooter);
 cp := frxReport1.FindObject('GroupHeaderREFERENCIA');
 ghReferencia := (cp as TfrxGroupHeader);
 cp := frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooterREFERENCIA');
 gfReferencia := (cp as TfrxGroupFooter);
 //Set properties as checkbox was set by user
 ghUnidade.StartNewPage := ckNovaPagina.checked;
 ghUnidade.Visible    := ckUnidade.Checked;
 gfUnidade.Visible    := ckUnidade.Checked;
 ghReferencia.StartNewPage := fraReferencia1.ckNovaPagina.Checked;
 ghReferencia.Visible    := fraReferencia1.ckAgrupar.Checked;
 gfReferencia.Visible    := fraReferencia1.ckAgrupar.Checked;
ghUnidade is inside ghReferencia.whell when the user set to not view the ghReferencia
the group really desapear but stell working
If I could send a attachment with a prepared report showing the problem
you will see the group "Unidade" broken (separated of itself) on page 2 for no reason.