FR 251


In a project, can I preview and print a report at desingtime. At runtime I receive a Error Message from EAccessViolation Type. This Error is since the Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.51.

I call the report as follow


second question:

Why is the remark FastReport - unregistered in the top-right corner visible? FastReport is registered.

Is everybody their can help me?

I use DELPHI 7 Professional under WXP. The Database is ADS 7.0

Hanspeter from Switzerland

PS. Sorry for the bad English.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:41PM
    hi Hanspeter
    either you did not follow install instructions correctly
    or your project is refrencing old library paths
    regards ;)
  • edited January 2004

    The installation ist correct, exact like in the instructions. I deleted all old Librarypaths and defined it new. The problem is the same.

    The error message com after the code as follow (after first line):
    procedure TPONY.Seite12Click(Sender: TObject);
    begin ?  
     ? F_BELEGE.FR_STBL_1.LoadFromFile('FR_STAMMBL_S1.frf');
     ? F_BELEGE.FR_STBL_1.ShowReport;
     ? If MessageDlg('Wollen Sie die zweite Seite Drucken?',
     ?  ? mtConfirmation, [mbNo, mbYes], 0) = mrYes then
     ?  ? Begin
     ?  ?  ? F_BELEGE.FR_STBL_2.LoadFromFile('FR_STAMMBL_S2.frf');
     ?  ?  ? F_BELEGE.FR_STBL_2.ShowReport;
     ?  ? End;

    To the begin of this project, it run correctly but since the upgrade is this problem. The test the installation with the older version 2.50 failed with the same problems.

    hanspeter from Switzerland
  • Hi

    The problem is no longer. The Form with the Report must be automatic createt.


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