Is a Bug? -- For the current record NO...
Report like this:
Groupheader1, (set StartNewPage=True)
PageFooter1, It include a Memo1,Memo1.text:= frxDBDataset1.Field_for_group
On the last page for current group,Memo1.text is the First record's text for next group,it is not current group's last record! This is NOT logical .
I want to move it in Beforprint/Afterprint methods.
It's not logical from a report point of view, but it is from a dataset one! You know that you have reached the end of the group only when you are in the first record not belonging to that group, of course... so when you print the pagefooter you are in the new group already.
The solution I've used so far is to assign the field value to a variable (inside the groupband), and then print that variable in the pagefooter.
Marco Menardi
An alike problem is in PageHeader,My god!!!