TFrxPreview : LoadFromStream
Is it possible to handle this method ?.
I just found TFrxPreview.LoadFromFile method.
I have wrote this code, but it doesn't works :
Please considere I want to load an Fr3 file and not a Fp3 file.
If this is not possible, how can I do for displaying the fr3 file ?
Is it possible to handle this method ?.
I just found TFrxPreview.LoadFromFile method.
I have wrote this code, but it doesn't works :
procedure FastReportPreview(AMyQueryTable: TMyQuery; AModeleField: string;
  AFastReportPreview: TFrxPreview);
var Modele : Tstream;
 AFastReportPreview.Clear; // <=== ACCESS VIOLATION
 Modele := TStream.Create;
  If Not AMyQueryTable.FieldByName(AModeleField).IsNull Then
   Modele := AMyQueryTable.CreateBlobStream(AMyQueryTable.FieldByName(AModeleField), bmRead);
   AFastReportPreview.PreviewPages.LoadFromStream(Modele); // <=== ACCESS VIOLATION
Please considere I want to load an Fr3 file and not a Fp3 file.
If this is not possible, how can I do for displaying the fr3 file ?