TEdit and etc. components

edited 9:53PM in FastReport 3.0
Please help,

how to use transfer text from normal TEdit component on application Form1 into Memo1 in Report form ?

this is not work:
frxReport1->Memo1->Add (Form1->Edit1->Text);

thank you for help.


  • theodoretheodore Greece
    edited 9:53PM
    You have to pass a variable:
    1.Form->frxReport->Variables->Variables[" variablesfromprogram"]=NULL; // to add a kategory named variablesfromprogram (notice the starting space)

    2a)Form->frxReport->Variables->Variables["passedvariable"]=Form1->Edit1->Text // to add a variable named passedvariable with value 'text' - notice you add the variable to the last kategory which is variablesfromprogram - as from 1.
    2b)Form->frxReport->Variables->AddVariable("variablesfromprogram","passedvariable",Form1->Edit1->Text) // another way to pass a variable where you select an existing kategory, variable name and then pass the value

    3) After you have passed a variable and a value you can assign the variable to the memo: double click the memo -> click Fx-> Click variables tab->Double click the variable -> press OK

    Hope it helps....
  • edited 9:53PM
    ad 3)
    Variable in Variables Tab is not there.

    Form1->frxReport1->Variables->AddVariable("Editor","text",Form1->Edit1->Text) ;

    whats problem?

    thank you for help.

  • theodoretheodore Greece
    edited 9:53PM
    Form1->frxReport1->Variables->Variables[" Editor"]=NULL;
    //notice the starting space - as before. To add a kategory you must start the kategory name with a space!!! A kategory is needed to add the variable in. If you do not have a kategory you cannot pass the values. You 'll find the variable under variables->kategory Editor

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Rich Text Editor. To edit a paragraph's style, hit tab to get to the paragraph menu. From there you will be able to pick one style. Nothing defaults to paragraph. An inline formatting menu will show up when you select text. Hit tab to get into that menu. Some elements, such as rich link embeds, images, loading indicators, and error messages may get inserted into the editor. You may navigate to these using the arrow keys inside of the editor and delete them with the delete or backspace key.