FR3.15 installation

BJLBJL Brussels, Belgium
edited 8:11AM in FastReport 3.0
Working with BCB6

After installation of FR 3.15 for BCB6, when starting BCB6 I get a message saying that the package fqb60.bpl is missing. I found this file in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. But trying to install the package in BCB6 does mot work: not an execution package.

Jean Lhoir


  • edited 8:11AM
    Try to download FR3.15 again, we have uploaded corrected version at jun, 25th.
  • BJLBJL Brussels, Belgium
    edited 8:11AM
    I have uninstalled FR 3.15, dowloaded again fr3bcb6s.exe and installed again.

    When starting BCB, I still got the message
    Impossible to load the package d:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReports3\LIBBCB6\fqb60.bpl

    Copying the file fqb60.bpl from c:\WINNT\System32 to ...\LIBBCB6 avoids the message, but the package
    Fast Query Builder 1.01
    is uncheked in the BCB Project Options. Trying to check it gives the message
    Impossible to install the package d:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReports3\LIBBCB6\fqb60.bpl, not a design package
  • edited 8:11AM
    Try copying the file from \Program files\...\libbcb6 to \Windows\System32

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