IIF-Function - how to use?

edited 7:13AM in FastReport 3.0

as there doesn't seem to be a word about using functions in the documentation: How can I use "IIF" in order to have a user-friendly way of displaying booleans?

[IIF([[DBDataset."Aenderungssicher"]=True], 'JA', 'NEIN')]

Results in "Identifier expected". I tried about a hundred different ways - none of them working. I just want "JA" to be displays in case the field value of "Aenderungssicher" is true. Otherwise I'd like to have "NEIN" displayed instead.

Of course I had a look at the user manual hoping I could find an example - but there's no example that could help me out of this.

So - how do I write this function properly within a memo?

Kind regards



  • edited 7:13AM
    Correct way is
    [IIF(<DBDataset."Aenderungssicher">=True, 'JA', 'NEIN')]
    see user manual about [] and <>

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