Formating floating point numbers
I need to format currency numbers like as a spreadsheet:
P.S.- I had to use comma as a point and point as a decimal separator.
Thank you.
I need to format currency numbers like as a spreadsheet:
10 Â Â Â -> 10,00
10.20 Â -> 10,20
1024.16 -> 1.024,16
9.03 Â Â -> 9,03
P.S.- I had to use comma as a point and point as a decimal separator.
Thank you.
Format('%.2n', [floating-point variable name]);
PS: %n works depend on your system locale setting
(ThousandSeparator and DecimalSeparator global variable)
If I use a point as a point it's OK, but since I had to use a comma as a point the function always put a point.