Excpetion when loading a report into the designer
Hi Folks,
the following error occurs on one computer only. Everything is ok if I try to load the same template into the designer on another computer.
Here is the bugreport from eurekalog.
It would be great, if anybody could help me with this. This person is going nuts...
Edit: I am using FastReport 2.53 with D7 pro
the following error occurs on one computer only. Everything is ok if I try to load the same template into the designer on another computer.
Here is the bugreport from eurekalog.
 1.1 "Start Date"    : Wed, 1 Jun 2005 10:21:52 +0200
 1.2 "Name/Description": CBManager - Win32 Client for management of bookings
 1.3 "Version Number"  :
 1.4 "Parameters"    :
 2.1 "Date"  : Wed, 1 Jun 2005 10:23:02 +0200
 2.2 "Address": 00413A3F
 2.3 "Module" : CBManager.exe
 2.4 "Type"  : EVariantBadIndexError
 2.5 "Message": Variante oder sicherer Array-Index au??erhalb des g??ltigen Bereichs.
"Active Controls":
 3.1 "Form Class"  : TFormVorlagen
 3.2 "Form Text"   : Vorlagen
 3.3 "Control Class": TButton
 3.4 "Control Text" : Bearbeiten
 4.1 "Name"     :
 4.2 "User"     :
 4.3 "Total Memory": 255 Mb
 4.4 "Free Memory" : 86 Mb
 4.5 "Total Disk"  : 18,62 Gb
 4.6 "Free Disk"  : 5,37 Gb
"Operating System":
 5.1 "Type"   : Microsoft Windows 2000
 5.2 "Build #" : 2195
 5.3 "Update"  : Service Pack 4
 5.4 "Language": Deutsch (Deutschland)
"Call Stack Information":
|"Address"|"Module" Â Â |"Unit" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |"Class" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |"Procedure/Method" Â Â Â Â Â |"Line"|
|005AAFE7 |CBManager.exe|fr_class.pas          |TfrObject        |AddEnumProperty       |1682  |
|005AAF18 |CBManager.exe|fr_class.pas          |TfrObject        |AddEnumProperty       |1670  |
|005BE11B |CBManager.exe|fr_class.pas          |TfrPage         |DefineProperties       |8163  |
|005F19D9 |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |FillInspFields        |4087  |
|005F1820 |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |FillInspFields        |4039  |
|005F00E9 |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |ShowPosition         |3536  |
|005F00E4 |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |ShowPosition         |3535  |
|005EEB8F |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |ResetSelection        |3078  |
|005EEB7C |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |ResetSelection        |3075  |
|005EDCE4 |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |SetCurPage          |2708  |
|005EDA3C |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |SetCurPage          |2665  |
|005ED55B |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |FormShow           |2538  |
|77882091 |ntdll.dll   |                |             |RtlLeaveCriticalSection   |    |
|77E05BE8 |user32.dll  |                |             |IsWindow           |    |
|77E05D9D |user32.dll  |                |             |IsWindowVisible       |    |
|77E3F39F |user32.dll  |                |             |MonitorFromWindow      |    |
|005F81CF |CBManager.exe|fr_desgn.pas          |TfrDesignerForm     |WndProc           |6362  |
|005C4368 |CBManager.exe|fr_class.pas          |TfrReport        |DesignReport         |10283 |
|005C42D0 |CBManager.exe|fr_class.pas          |TfrReport        |DesignReport         |10266 |
|006C8FEF |CBManager.exe|CBFastReportPrinter.pas    |TCBFastReportPrinter   |designReport         |239  |
|006C8F98 |CBManager.exe|CBFastReportPrinter.pas    |TCBFastReportPrinter   |designReport         |235  |
|0070C6E3 |CBManager.exe|CBFormManageFormularDesign.pas|TFormVorlagen      |cbEditTemplate        |512  |
|0070C56C |CBManager.exe|CBFormManageFormularDesign.pas|TFormVorlagen      |cbEditTemplate        |484  |
|0070BC4A |CBManager.exe|CBFormManageFormularDesign.pas|TFormVorlagen      |vBTnEditReportClick     |252  |
|77F5EDF5 |GDI32.dll   |                |             |GdiReleaseDC         |    |
|77E05608 |user32.dll  |                |             |ReleaseDC          |    |
|77E055F2 |user32.dll  |                |             |ReleaseDC          |    |
|778825C0 |ntdll.dll   |                |             |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN    |    |
|77883559 |ntdll.dll   |                |             |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString|    |
|77E06B5F |user32.dll  |                |             |CallWindowProcA       |    |
|77E06B4B |user32.dll  |                |             |CallWindowProcA       |    |
|77E0A361 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|77E0A322 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|77E0735C |user32.dll  |                |             |SendMessageW         |    |
|77E0731D |user32.dll  |                |             |SendMessageW         |    |
|77E06B5F |user32.dll  |                |             |CallWindowProcA       |    |
|77E06B4B |user32.dll  |                |             |CallWindowProcA       |    |
|77E0A361 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|77E0A322 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|0066FF90 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |             |CallWndHook         |687  |
|77E084CA |user32.dll  |                |             |GetCapture          |    |
|77E05D9D |user32.dll  |                |             |IsWindowVisible       |    |
|77E05B72 |user32.dll  |                |             |DispatchMessageA       |    |
|77E05B6C |user32.dll  |                |             |DispatchMessageA       |    |
|0070B6C2 |CBManager.exe|CBFormManageFormularDesign.pas|             |executeManageTemplates    |153  |
|0070B690 |CBManager.exe|CBFormManageFormularDesign.pas|             |executeManageTemplates    |149  |
|00796C03 |CBManager.exe|CBFormDSMMain.pas       |TFormMain        |ActionManageTemplatesExecute|768  |
|006709D9 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMenuBar   |ExecAction          |955  |
|00671BF2 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMenuBar   |TrackMenu          |1495  |
|00671B18 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMenuBar   |TrackMenu          |1480  |
|00674D64 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMainMenuBar|TrackMenu          |3029  |
|006705A9 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMenuBar   |CMItemClicked        |857  |
|77E0A361 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|77E0A322 |user32.dll  |                |             |CallNextHookEx        |    |
|0066FF90 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |             |CallWndHook         |687  |
|77E04795 |user32.dll  |                |             |DefWindowProcA        |    |
|77E04754 |user32.dll  |                |             |DefWindowProcA        |    |
|77882091 |ntdll.dll   |                |             |RtlLeaveCriticalSection   |    |
|00671C45 |CBManager.exe|actnmenus.pas         |TCustomActionMenuBar   |WndProc           |1509  |
|77E056F5 |user32.dll  |                |             |PeekMessageA         |    |
|77E05B72 |user32.dll  |                |             |DispatchMessageA       |    |
|77E05B6C |user32.dll  |                |             |DispatchMessageA       |    |
|007D9F65 |CBManager.exe|CBManager.dpr         |             |               |221  |
It would be great, if anybody could help me with this. This person is going nuts...
Edit: I am using FastReport 2.53 with D7 pro