field aliases & breaking links

edited 8:47AM in FastReport 3.0

When designing a report, it's great to use FieldAliases.

Now we would like to be able to have the following:

* field aliases that are localized to the user language
(non-technical french or german aliases for example)

For this, we are trying to change the field aliases on
an existing report. This breaks the field references, because
references use the alias name that has changed.

Can this be improved or is there a workaround?

What would be very nice is to separate the "internal data field"
from the "displayed data field", so that you can change the
alias name (=> displayed data field) without breaking
the link.

Any ideas or comments are very welcome!

Thanks a lot & best regards,



  • edited 8:47AM
    any news on this?

    The idea is to be able to have localized Field-Aliases
    => to have localized Report Definitions where fieldnames are displayed in the users language.

    It would be great not having to rewrite the query for the datasets for every language supported.



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