[FR3.12][DotMatrix]I don't have the dialog box

edited April 2005 in FastReport 3.0
On Delphi7, win XP Pro

I use frxReport and a frxDBDataSet.

I double clic on frxReport, file, new..., Dot-Matrix report (or the wizard).

I place a MasterData band and one field.

In my application i do :

The preview is Ok, but when i clic on the printer icon, the standard windows printing dialog box is open without the choise of the escape standard sequence. (Different from the demo dialog box).

And when i clic on OK buton the printing job rest in the spool but never be send to the printer (in lpt1). When i quit my application the job disapear. ;)

The demo works perfectly, the difference is the special dialog box with the choice of the escape sequences.

I shearch in the forum but don't found someone with the same problem.

Sorry for my poor english.

Best regards


  • edited 10:24PM
    Sorry I solve the dialogbox problem

    The frxDotMatrixExport is apparently needed.

    Now i have the right dialogBox.

    But it does'nt work. The job is in the spooler and the printer do nothing else.
  • edited 10:24PM
    Last episod

    ;) ;) ;)

    All works fine now today it's a cable probleme... ;)

    Thank for your help Fred_PACA ;)

    Sorry for spaming the forum ;)
  • edited 10:24PM
    Fred_PACA wrote:
    The preview is Ok, but when i clic on the printer icon, the standard windows printing dialog box is open without the choise of the escape standard sequence. (Different from the demo dialog box).
    i have the same problem but seems it occurs randomly, sometimes is right dialog (with esc commands), sometimes is standard (without esc commands)

    what actually happen after you've fixed your cable problem:

    1. you still get standard dialog, but printning is OK or
    2. you got "matrix" dialog

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