"Vertical Band" Blues!

edited April 2005 in FastReport 3.0

I'm trying to use vertical bands in FR3 and get into trouble.

I can create a vertical masterdata-band and connect it to a dataset.
I can also put in data-fields, but:

If I'm printing the report, all I get is the FIRST row printed nicely, that's all!
There IS more than one row in the dataset and I would like to get a "column-style" printout, one column per dataset-row!

How can I do this?
Is this "work in progress"?

Any example would be *very* nice!




  • edited 8:47AM
    Hi Daniel,

    Place the Horizontal, vertical Master databands and assigned to same query
    and place a data field where the bands crossed means that filed should be in both bands


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