Changing the BarStyle(Chart) at Run Time

;) Hi Everyone! I would like to know, how can i change my barstyle of my hcart at run time in fast report. I try many ways, but i didn??t obtain!!! I try, something like this: "chart1.chart.sereis1.barstyle := bsarrow;", but ;) . So, someone can help me?! debtor since already... Raphael


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:42PM
    not all props available
    but here is a hint the series is an indexed list so first series is series[0]
    what you may have to do is create more than 1 series using the same datapoints
    and set the active property of the series to true or false.
  • gordk, Thanks for your atencion!!! But can you give an example in code, how can i access the property series?! Because in my script, series insn??t declared!!! Thanks for all!!! Raphael! ;)
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:42PM
    procedure Chart1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if <condition> then
    chart1.series[0].active := false;
    chart1.series[1].active := true;
    chart1.series[0].active := true;
    chart1.series[1].active := false;

  • Hi gordk!!! Here i??m again!!! I try access the property Active, exactly as you told me, but, the message (for "Series") "Identifer undeclared" yet appear!!! Is this my FastReports version?! I??m using the version 3.03. Really, i don??t know what can happening ;) ... but, again... thanks for your attention!!!
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:42PM
    Yes, you are way out of date current version is 3.11
  • Thanks a lot Gordk!!! I will update my version!!!
    Regards... Raphael

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