Group with a fixed number of lines


I need to create a report that shows a list of people with a list of items that one of them owns, and where the space where the items are listed must have a fixed number of lines (4), as shown in the following image.

So I created the report with a Group Header (red) and a Group Footer (green). In the yellow panel I have the Master Data and a Child that is shown as times as necessary to complete de 4 lines. I'd done that in the OnBeforePrint event of the Group Footer:

This way works fine except for one issue, I need that all the group was print in the same page, and making this way I can't assure this. So I tried setting the ToNRows property of the TfrxChild to 4 and ToNRowsMode to rmCount, but that doesn't work as expected. It seems that this property consider the entire dataset, and in my case it should consider the number of items in each group. Does anyone know if there is any way to do what I need, ensuring the integrity of the group on a page?


  • I checked frxReport's EngineOptions Double Pass and it seems to work now.

    in addition, KeepTogether from GroupHeader and KeepHeader, KeepFooter and KeepTogether from MasterData

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