Preview window displaying some text incorrectly

I have a couple of instances of the Preview window displaying some components incorrectly.

The first example is the Preview randomly displaying comma formatted numbers as decimal formatted. That is, '1,234,567.8' is displayed as '1.234.567.8'. The debugger showed the value(s) being set correctly, as the comma formatted value. It does not happen to all the numbers, only a few. If I save the report as a PDF and view it in Adobe Acrobat, it displays correctly. Here is a line from the preview window:

and from the PDF:

The second example involves "clipping" of a field in the Preview window but not in the PDF. Here is the Preview window screenshot (you may want to zoom in):

and here it is from the PDF:

All suggestions for workarounds will be appreciated. I have only seen these problems when using a bold font, but I don't know why that would cause these problems. I am using the Roboto Mono font.

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