How to change Export-Menu Caption

I use TfrxXLSExport Component and in Preview the Caption in Menu is

"Microsoft Excel 2007 XML..."

I want

"Microsoft Excel..."


  • sorry,

    object frxXLSXExport: TfrxXLSXExport

     UseFileCache = True

     ShowProgress = True

     OverwritePrompt = False

     DataOnly = False

     ChunkSize = 0

     OpenAfterExport = False

     PictureType = gpPNG

     Left = 40

     Top = 336


  • G'day,

    I am assuming that you want to change the sub-menu on the Preview Form (such as in the screen-clip)...

    The Installer we built for FastReports (and FastCube) does a lot of customisation (replacing the American spelling for example), so our version of the sub-menu is quite different from the Standard one.

    Assuming that your FastReport licence includes the Source Code, you can do something similar by editing the File frxRCexports.pas and recompiling the Product. The following screen-clip shows the File filtered for just the lines you would want to alter.

    I hope that helps 😉

    Tschüss, Paul

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