Trouble to export to XLSX or DOCX

I am using FastReport to create a report, and it displays correctly on the screen, as shown here:

(I removed some information from the screenshots)

However, when I export the data, the content appears misaligned:

With TfrxDOCXExport, the content starts shifting off-screen, and on each new page, it gradually shifts back. For example, on page 7, only a line is visible, but on page 8, we see the picture and some text.

Once the content fits on a full page, the report starts to go off-screen again on the following pages.

With TfrxXLSXExport, the first column in use is column AT.

After running some tests, I found ways to avoid this issue, but not a full solution:

  • If I select dxObjects in ExportType, the DOCX export works correctly.
  • If I remove the picture in the header, both DOCX and XLSX exports work.

Is there a way to fully resolve this issue?

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