frxSMTP was compiled with a different version of frxProgress

Having installed Delphi 12.1:

Got FastReport 2023.3 from GetIt.

Installed a registered version of Fast Report VCL Std. (I tried different versions: 2023.3.5, 2024.2.0, 2024.2.5)

But I'm alwaysgetting

"Unit frxSMTP was compiled with a different version of frxProgrss.TfrxProgress"

when (T)frxExportMail is included on form.

Recompile did not work, uninstall/reinstall did not work, repair did not work.

I deleted the old vcl bpl from the PC.

Nothing I can think of solves this issue.

How do I get the correct version of frxSMTP or frxProgress and where to put it?


  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    G'day KMR,

    I don't know if you have already solved this, but we had something similar happening a while back.

    For reasons I have now forgotten the frxXXX.dcu and fsXXX.dcu Files were being rebuilt with one of our Application Programmes. So there were "legacy" instances of the Units lying around.

    We fixed this by rearranging that App's Options / Paths and now our development machines only have the Units on the "%programfiles(x86)%\FastReport xxx\LibDxxx\". And we also deleted all the older "redundant" Unit Files.

    That seemed to fix the issues...

    For what it's worth!

    Cheers, Paul

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