Chart "band source" selections

I have a report with two groups, a daily group and a "quarter hour" group. The quarter hour group displays all records within the quarter hour, and in the group footer, it displays several sums and ratios based on each quarter hour.

I want to add a chart at the end of each day, and the series will be the same data displayed in the quarter hour group footer. I was hoping I'd be able to set the Chart's Band Source to "groupFooter2", making the process of selecting the fields for each series very simple.

But "GroupFooter2" isn't an option for Band Source, only MasterData1.

Is there any simple way to use the GroupFooter2 formulas as the source of the data for the series in my chart? It seems the alternative would be to replicate the logic for my quarter-hour totals / ratios in SQL, and link that query in to the Data Source "DataSet" property -- possible, but a lot of extra work.

Thanks for any suggestions / advice!

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