How to load a rtf String into TfrxRichView component
I use PascalScript in my report and from reading the documentation i assumed i could just do
Rich1.text := 'My text';
Which does not work.
After lots of googling, the only thing i found was a forum post showing how to load from file:
From that, i tried some guesses like
But without success. What i conclude is that i would like to see the full definition of the TfrxRichView component with all it's properties and methods.
My end-goal is to display some html that is in my DB. As FR can only do some inline HTML, i want to convert it via code to rtf and output that conversion result. This is the only way i see. Any better ideas?
By accident, i found this to work:
procedure Rich1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
Rich1.RichEdit.lines.Text := '{\rtf1\ansi{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue255;}{\pard {\bBlah} {{{weet}}} {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "good.html"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1cool}}}\par}}';
Now, i would still like to know why that is, as i only found references like Rich1.RichEdit.Text