For-Each-Loop over all TextObjects in the report ?
I am loading a FASTREPORT report in a VB.Net (or C#) program (desktop program, WinForms).
How can I use FOR-EACH in the VB.Net program to run through all "TextObject" objects of the report.
The Report.AllObjects.InnerList is unfortunately "locked".
The aim is to find all "TextObject" objects and evaluate the respective TAG-Property.
Thank you very much
I'll answer myself again face-smile
The solution is:
Dim _obj As ObjectCollection = _Report.ForEachAllConvectedObjects(_Report)
For Each _item As Object In _obj
If _item.ClassName = "TextObject" Then
Dim _LangId As Int16 = 0
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(AsendiaFrameWork.NZ(_item.Tag, "")) Then
If Int16.TryParse(_item.Tag, _LangId) Then
_item.Text = appLanguage.GetLanguageOnlyText(_LangId)
End If
End If
End If
I didn't have ForEachAllConvectedObjects on the screen face-sad
Sometimes you see the forest..... and so....