problem with Report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog
I have a question:
The code below does work correctly. But when I Enable the first line of this code (that is remarkt in this example) it does not work anymore.
What I want to do, is the following:
I have some reports (invoices) that I will print after each other.
When the first line is enabled, fastreport will ask me for every page where I want to print it (the printerdialog) when I activate the first line, fastreport will not ask me anything, fill the preview (as expected) and does not print.
In the variable: prn is '\\mischa\printer1'
I hope you can help me, because this is the last problem I have in my software, and it has to work tomorrow morning on the 1st of februari.
// DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
while not EOF do
DmMain.rptFilters.Preview := Nil;
DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.Printer := prn;
DmMain.rptFilters.Preview := frxPreView;
Thanks in advance for you reply, and best regards,
Mischa E.J. Hoogendoorn
I have a question:
The code below does work correctly. But when I Enable the first line of this code (that is remarkt in this example) it does not work anymore.
What I want to do, is the following:
I have some reports (invoices) that I will print after each other.
When the first line is enabled, fastreport will ask me for every page where I want to print it (the printerdialog) when I activate the first line, fastreport will not ask me anything, fill the preview (as expected) and does not print.
In the variable: prn is '\\mischa\printer1'
I hope you can help me, because this is the last problem I have in my software, and it has to work tomorrow morning on the 1st of februari.
// DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
while not EOF do
DmMain.rptFilters.Preview := Nil;
DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.Printer := prn;
DmMain.rptFilters.Preview := frxPreView;
Thanks in advance for you reply, and best regards,
Mischa E.J. Hoogendoorn
DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
DmMain.rptFilters.PrintOptions.Printer := prn;